Wednesday 17 October 2012



If a fast-paced server is being sought, then HTML5 is the solution to the entire problem. It is essential to be clear on the fact that HTML5 is not an XML or SGML language. However, on the contrary, XML can be used in a pattern of serialization which is called HTML5. There is not much difference between XML and HTML5 apart from the fact that the former uses a rather rigid syntax than the latter which is why most of the time, HTML5 is used instead of XML.
There is something of significant interest to the internet users which compels them to deal with HTML5. It has a much diversified semantics which means that it has a total of 30 additional semantics which could be used easily in any kind of static page. In fact, there are so many additional controls that could lead to a decline in the usage of java script altogether. There is also a revolutionized HTML5 structure which follows the pattern in this order :

  •    Nave
  •   Header
  •   Footer
  •   Aside
  •   Article
One more thing that needs a lot of attention while dealing with HTML 5 is the meta tag. There are some users who are accustomed to using the XHTML version which is accompanied with longer meta tags unlike this version which has an advanced presentation of these. Html 5 does not make use of any kind of body elements unlike HTML4. However, there is still a version of this kind of browser which requires a lot more than just a body. (Lawson, 2011)
The HTML 5 has currently dominated the scenario. It has become a necessity to further knowledge in the semantics of computer. This means that any computer user will have to read up on HTML5 to comprehend better. A great place to understand HTML5 is

Lawson, B. (2011). Introducing HTML5. New Riders.
Pilgrim, M. (2010). HTML5: Up and Running. Mark O'Reilly.


  1. Good job! It seems that we are still facing some technological chanllenges on HTML5 to deal with, and more powerful support. However, it is absolutely a big improvement in short future.

    1. I agree! This is a giant step forward for bushiness today. With no middle man, this format can save businesses money . This is definitely a game changer. My only concern is how long its going to take to all sites adapt to the new HTML 5 format.

    2. I agree with William, this will change how businesses interact with the web and reach their customers. I also agree with how long this may take, this is a huge project and who knows when this will be complete, and even the issues associated with it at start-up.

  2. html5 is a big improvement over older tech and can help out a great deal with businesses who want to look towards the future.

  3. Interesting post Waheed , as HTML 5 is still under development, it sounds that it is going to be really big improvement for the HTML in the coming years. As for the problems, the developers of HTML 5 have to deal with it, so that in the future other website designers dont face big or small technical as well as language problems while designing their website.

  4. Awesome post! HTML5 is not software that has to be installed but rather a new version of HTML. It is however a big improvement for HTML as sam stated above. This could be a great way to help out businesses who are future ready.

  5. For businesses that are looking to be a step ahead, HTML5 is a must for them. It allows them to be one step ahead and be future ready. Awesome post Waheed, you went into great depth about something I was not familiar with!

  6. Thanks for this post. I really did not know much about the subject. The video was informative and helped me understand the differences/evolution between HTML and HTML5 and how it relates to the potential progression as marketers.
    Great Post!

  7. HTML could be presented as a competitive advantage for brands. Following up on what Ryan Lancaster stated, "it allows them to be one step ahead". The pros of HTML that are stated in this blog should convince companies to advance to HTML 5

  8. With technology becoming so advanced, businesses are also becoming advanced and ready for the future, as Christina & Sam stated in their comments. I did not know what HTML5 was all about but now I understand. HTML5 has many benefits to businesses today, and the software will ensure that they're ready for the future, and the customers within that future. Overall a great post.

  9. We all know that technology and software are continually ongoing through a development process. HTML5 is a great leap forward from the previous available softwares,and because it has grown so much it made programmers' life easier and businesses more forward-thinking. Good job.

  10. good job, it is great software to improvement and this is new idea that I know and that video you included was helpful and gave me clear idea what is HTML5.

  11. Thanks for the great information Waheed, I have always seen the word "html5" on any link but never knew what it means.Html can be very advantageous to any company with a website, as html can make their page more familiar through tagging of all the content on the website, and therefore other website could link to their website.
