Get Started!

We will be using Blogger for our class blog, which is an easy to use tool by Google.

To participate in this class blog you will need a Google Account.  If you already have a gmail account you are good to go, if not, you will need to get one.  Don't worry - it is FREE! 

To sign up for your Google Account, click here and simply follow the simple steps.

Once your Google account is created, please send a message to my Mohawk College email account ( and I will invite you to contribute to this class blog.

Next, you will receive an email to your GMail account asking you to confirm your participation.

From here, you should be able to start blogging!


 To post your entry to the class blog simply follow these steps:
  1. Sign into your Google account
  2. Select Blogger from the top navigation bar (black with grey type - under More)
  3. Click on WebMarketingClassBlogSection1 from your list
  4. Click on the orange New Post button near the top left of the screen
  5. Type away!
Make sure you use the tool bar at the top of your post to include your pictures, links and embed your videos.  Also make sure to include "labels" when you create your post.  These are key words that will help students find your post once it gets pushed down in the list of postings.  Always include the tag "student post" as your first label.

Happy Blogging!

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