Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Earl Cornell Reflection Post

What did I learn in this class well I'm glad I'm not the only person who was annoyed by SMS I'm glad that the flash mob is finally over and I can breath again. Every semester I wonder if I'll go crazy the answer is often yes. I also learned that one of my Geckos gets attacked by her crickets at night that didn't help me sleep at night. It's not bad enough that they smell they are loud and are hard to take care of. They just had to attack my beloved pets how dare they attack her look at her face.

Eve or Evey
Poor little Eve doesn't eat as much as her sister now and shes really timid about everything but luckily she didn't become aggressive.

Enough about my pets I did enjoy the class and I will hopefully take full advantage of everything I've learned about in this class and all the Technology that will come in the future. I will try not to end up in a rut and upgrade to newer formers of technology as they become available. I've constantly learned through this class and personal experience we need to change if we don't what worth is there in life. It's been fun though I didn't socialise much in this class due to a 2 hours a week 8am class. Time never goes the speed you want it to it's always to fast or to slow in this case it as way to fast and I wasn't so tired or late for the class. I do wish that my Thursday and Friday didn't start at 8am those of you with jobs know what I'm talking about it's murder to work the night before these classes it sucks so much.  But what are you gonna do it was still fun here's more pics of my Geckos.

Seriously how can those evil crickets attack my baby Eve. she didn't hurt anyone...
It's funny because Geckos eat Crickets

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