Thursday, 6 December 2012

I found that everything in this course was just putting definitions to things I already knew how to do. Although I was already familiar with these concepts it was helpful to go a little more in depth. I feel that web marketing is an essential thing to be familiar with for the present and future of business. Since our generation was raised on the computer and evolving technology a lot of this was already in common practice.


I felt that some projects that involved a lot more work were worth a small percentage where as items that required less work were highly valued. For example the brand evaluation that was worth 10% and required you to discuss 10 items throughout the semester or a flash mob that requires practice, filming, editing, report and presentation was worth 15% versus making some comments on a blog for 10%. I felt that the larger projects should have been worth way more for the work.

Since our generation is so tech savvy and the generations to come are only going to be more advanced you should try to incorporate more interactive activities as it is difficult to sit for 2 hours listening to something you already know about.

All in all I took away some useful information and had a successful year! See you in market research!

Lindsay Petanowitch

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