Thursday, 6 December 2012

Reflection Post


This course has provided me with the necessary teaching and information that has allowed me to develop my understanding of strategically marketing on the web. This course unique and different compared to the other courses I have taken at Mohawk. The level of interaction required for this course was much different but beneficial at the same time. Through the interaction, blog posts, and comments on this class blog, I managed to learn something new every time I logged on.


I hope to one day own my own company and have a website page for it. I will definitely use the knowledge I have acquired in regards to building your website rank on search engines, the design elements to a successful website, and the importance of customer service on the web.The aspect of the course I enjoyed the most in regards to course content and learning experiences was the class blog because it allowed me to learn a variety of new things regarding key businesses topics and fundamentals. The part I disliked the most was the flash mob video assignment. I did not really learn anything from the experience, and furthermore I found it very hard to meet with my group on a daily basis due to the fact I work roughly 60 hours a week and have two children. The participation marks and how they were weighted was a little to the extreme in my mind, maybe if I did not have any other priorities in my life I wouldn’t of had an issue but unfortunately that is not the case. I would of liked to spend more time on social media as I believe it is a vital tool for marketing and prospecting leads on the web.
Overall I am walking away with extending my knowledge of marketing on the web, which I plan on using in future business endeavors. I would liek to thank you for this new learning experience, and i will definately be using what I have learned for future business purposes.
Thank you and have a good christmas.

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